Why Publish in Osler?

  • Open-access: Our journals are open-access, ensuring that your work is accessible to a global audience without any barriers.
  • We are an author-first journal, placing the needs and interests of our authors at the center of our publishing practices. We believe that authors are the backbone of scientific research, and we strive to create an environment that supports their research and facilitates their success.
  • Author retention of copyright: We allow authors to retain the copyright to their work under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, providing authors with control over their intellectual property and enabling them to freely share and disseminate their work. 
  • Rigorous peer-review: All submissions are subject to rigorous and transparent peer-review by experts in the field, ensuring the highest standards of scientific quality and integrity.
  • Osler Expedited: We understand the importance of timely publication and aim to provide fast and efficient publication of your work, with an average time to first editorial decision of about one week without peer-review) and of about 4 weeks (after peer-review).
  • Multimedia support: We encourage the use of multimedia, such as images and videos, to enhance the presentation of research findings and to make articles more engaging and accessible.
  • A state-of-the-art journal management system with advanced inbuilt technology to provide a seamless and efficient publishing experience for quality control and assisting authors, reviewers and editors.

  • Promoting early-career researcher initiative: We ensure that young researchers are given the support they need to develop their skills, build their research networks, and make important contributions to their respective fields.

  • Ethical standards: We adhere to the highest ethical standards in publishing, ensuring that all published research is conducted in an ethical and responsible manner.

  • Empowering patients: Our journal is committed to empowering patients by publishing research that helps patients understand their health conditions and treatment options and that promotes patient-centered care.

  • Values and Diversity: We believe that a diverse and inclusive scientific community is essential to advancing knowledge and addressing health disparities. We are determined to create a culture of inclusivity and respect, where all researchers and healthcare professionals feel welcome and supported. 
  • Media Outreach: We offer comprehensive press coverage and promotional services to our authors, including press releases, media outreach, and social media promotion.We are committed to providing the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct in all of our promotional activities, and we believe in promoting research findings in an accurate, transparent, and responsible way.
  • Editorial Team: Our editorial team is composed of experts in various fields of life sciences and medicine, including clinical research, epidemiology, global health, and more. We want to uphold the highest standards of scientific integrity, and we carefully review all submissions to ensure that they meet our criteria for quality and innovation.
  • Improving healthcare outcomes: Ultimately, our mission is to improve healthcare outcomes by publishing research that provides clinicians and healthcare professionals with the tools and information they need to provide the best possible care to their patients.
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