About Us

Welcome to Osler Press.
Osler Press is committed to advancing the field of medical and life sciences through high-quality research, insightful analysis, and stimulating discussions. We believe that our publication can serve as a valuable tool for enhancing patient care and encouraging scientific research. Our goal is to make your research more visible and we want to achieve that by making all our journals open-access.

We recognise how important it is to remain at the forefront of medical research, and we aim to do so by continually evolving our publication to meet the changing needs of the medical community.

We prioritize the highest standards of scientific rigor, transparency, and ethical conduct in scientific research and publishing. 

Fostering collaboration for better healthcare.

Mission and values:

Our mission is to break down barriers to information sharing and make all our journals open-access and to disseminate high-quality scientific research and knowledge.

We aim to promote the free exchange of ideas, methods, and findings, recognizing that breakthroughs in medicine often arise from the integration of different fields and specialties.


Regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or socioeconomic status, we are dedicated to foster an atmosphere that is accepting, encouraging, and inclusive of all people. We strive to ensure that our publication reflects the diversity of the medical community, and we actively seek to amplify the voices of underrepresented groups in our journal. Osler Press adopts the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and C4DISC (Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications) guidelines for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in academic publishing.
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