For editors

Dear Editors,

We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to each of you as esteemed members of Osler Press. Your expertise and dedication to advancing scientific knowledge in the field of medicine make you invaluable contributors to our publication.

As editors, you play a vital role in maintaining the integrity, quality, and reputation of our journal. Your commitment to upholding ethical standards, promoting rigorous peer review, and ensuring the dissemination of groundbreaking research is highly appreciated. We have full confidence in your ability to navigate the complex landscape of medical publishing with professionalism and integrity.

We encourage you to familiarize yourselves with our journal’s policies, which have been meticulously designed to guide your editorial responsibilities. These policies encompass principles of editorial independence, confidentiality, conflict of interest management, ethical considerations, and timely communication. By adhering to these policies, you will contribute to the robustness and credibility of the research we publish.

We also value the collaborative nature of our editorial board and encourage active engagement and open dialogue among members. Your diverse perspectives, expertise, and collective knowledge will enrich our journal’s decision-making process and enhance the quality of the manuscripts we publish.

We extend our gratitude for your commitment and willingness to dedicate your valuable time and expertise to our journal. We are confident that, together, we will make significant contributions to the advancement of medical knowledge and positively impact the healthcare community.

The information and resources compiled here are specifically designed to assist you in every aspect of your editorial responsibilities, ensuring a smooth and successful publishing process.

Roles and responsibilities 

1. Editor-in-Chief 

The Editor-in-Chief holds a crucial position in our journal whose leadership, vision, and expertise will shape the direction and content of the journal. The roles include:

  • Editorial Leadership:
      • Provide visionary leadership and strategic direction for the journal, ensuring its alignment with the goals and objectives of the organization.
      • Set the editorial policies and standards, establishing guidelines for manuscript evaluation, peer review, and ethical considerations.
  • Editorial Board Management:
      • Recruit and assemble a diverse and qualified editorial board, comprising experts in various disciplines relevant to the journal’s scope.
      • Foster collaboration, engagement, and communication among editorial board members, encouraging active participation in decision-making processes and journal development initiatives.
      • Regularly evaluate the performance of editorial board members, providing feedback and guidance to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Peer Review Process Oversight:
      • Implement mechanisms to monitor and enhance the quality and efficiency of the peer review process, such as reviewer training and feedback mechanisms.
      • Handle any conflicts or issues arising during the peer review process, providing guidance and making final decisions when necessary.
  • Ethical Considerations and Research Integrity:
      • Uphold the highest ethical standards in scientific publishing, ensuring the journal’s compliance with industry guidelines and ethical codes of conduct.
      • Address and resolve ethical issues, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, and conflicts of interest, in collaboration with the editorial board and relevant stakeholders.
  • Journal Promotion and Visibility:
    • Act as an ambassador for the journal and collaborate with the editorial team and marketing professionals to develop strategies for increasing the visibility, impact, and reach of the journal.     

2) Associate Editors     

  • Manuscript Evaluation:
    • Review and assess submitted manuscripts within their area of expertise.
    • Evaluate the scientific quality, originality, and significance of the research.
    • Ensure the manuscript aligns with the journal’s scope and guidelines.
  • Peer Review Management:
    • Identify and invite appropriate peer reviewers based on their expertise.
    • Manage the peer review process for assigned manuscripts, ensuring timely completion of reviews.
    • Synthesize reviewer comments and feedback to make informed decisions.
  • Decision Making:
    • Based on the manuscript’s evaluation and reviewer feedback, make a recommendation for acceptance, revision, or rejection.
    • Provide a clear and well-reasoned decision to authors, along with constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement, if applicable.
  • Subject Matter Expertise:
    • Stay abreast of recent developments and advancements in their field of expertise.
    • Participate in identifying emerging trends and topics for special issues or editorial features.
  • Ethical Considerations:
    • Ensure that manuscripts comply with ethical guidelines, including proper attribution, ethical treatment of human and animal subjects, and disclosure of potential conflicts of interest.
    • Handle any ethical concerns or research misconduct issues that arise during the review process, following the journal’s established protocols.

3) Review Editors

Review editors are relatively new to the role, and have evaluated and assessed a limited number of manuscripts. Their role is focused on providing an expert evaluation of the manuscript and offering recommendations to the associate editor or editor-in-chief, who ultimately make the final decision. While a review editor may not have independent decision-making authority, their expertise and feedback play a crucial role in assisting the associate editor or editor-in-chief in making informed decisions on manuscript acceptance, revision, or rejection. Their contributions help ensure the quality and integrity of the peer review process within the journal.

Editorial Board Values

  1. Ethical Conduct: The editorial board is committed to ensuring ethical conduct in research and publishing. They adhere to ethical guidelines and promote integrity, honesty, and transparency in the handling of manuscripts, including protection of intellectual property, avoidance of plagiarism, and disclosure of conflicts of interest.
  2. Timeliness and Efficiency: The editorial board is committed to timely and efficient manuscript handling. They strive to provide prompt feedback to authors, ensure timely peer review, and minimize unnecessary delays in the publication process. They value the time and efforts of authors, reviewers, and readers.
  3. Diversity and Inclusivity: The editorial actively seeks to promote diversity in authorship, reviewer selection, and editorial board composition. They value diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences to foster a rich and inclusive scholarly community.
  4. Impartiality and Fairness: The editorial board is dedicated to impartiality and fairness in the peer review and decision-making processes. They ensure that manuscripts are evaluated based on their scholarly merit and without any bias or prejudice, regardless of authors’ affiliations, backgrounds, or personal beliefs.
  5. Quality: Striving for high-quality scientific research and rigorous peer review to maintain the standards of the journal and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
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