
General Questions

Yes, Osler Press journals are fully open-access (diamond open-access). We recognise how important it is to remain at the forefront of medical research, and we aim to do so by continually evolving our publication to meet the changing needs of the medical community. You can read more about our open-access policy here.

The Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 is a free, open source license that allows authors to retain copyright to their work while allowing others to freely share and disseminate it.

Any article that is accessible to the public without any restrictions will have a symbol that states ‘Open Access’ on both the full-text and PDF versions of the published material. Additionally, a creative commons license by 4.0 will be present in the article metadata and available in all article formats.

No Fees of Any Kind

We are pleased to announce that we do not charge any kind of publication or submission charges. All charges are borne by Osler Press itself. All our journals are diamond open-access. This means that authors can submit their work without any financial obligations and without the need to apply for a waiver. However, please note that as we continue to grow and expand our services, we may need to revisit our manuscript charges policy in the future. 

No charges of any kind are levied on colour image publication. All the costs of publication, copyediting, human resource, infrastructure or any other charges are borne by the Osler Press.

All are journals are diamond open-access. There are no article processing, publication or submission charges of any kind. Authors do no have to specifically apply for any kind of waiver or discount for publication in Osler Press journals. All charges are borne by Osler Press itself.


Other Questions

The ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

All individuals who satisfy the aforementioned authorship requirements should be listed as an author. 

For details, please check the Editorial guidelines of the respective journal.

Osler Press ensures that the submitted manuscripts are evaluated objectively and fairly, and that only high-quality research is published in the journal. Our editors work in collaboration with authors and external peer reviewers to ensure fair and evidence based assessment, which frequently necessitates revisions and entails meticulous checking. The journal operates on a double-blind transparent review process.

For details, please check our Peer-Review policy.

Osler Press journals send invite to various subject experts routinely. To review an article, please respond to the review invitation email, indicating your availability and willingness to review the manuscript. You will find links in the invitation email that allow you to accept or decline the invitation. 

We normally give reviewers two weeks to submit their evaluations for consideration. Please let the editor(s) know as soon as possible if you need a two-week extension or more.

Journal specific guidelines to be followed.

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